Texting While Driving – Talk To Your Teenage Driver



Car Accident Driver Texting
Car Accident Driver Texting

Here is a very important video message that can save lives. Please watch it with your teenage drivers. Our car accident lawyers frequently represent people in MN injured by a teenager texting while driving. We have also represented many teenagers riding in the car with another teenage driver.

Don’t let your family be another statistic. Talk to your teenager today about never texting while driving. Then keep the conversation going with frequent reminders. Not only should they not text and drive, but they should also be alert to what the driver is doing when they are a passenger. Of course, this means you must model the behavior you want them to adopt. In other words, you should not text while driving either.


If you or your child are injured in a MN car accident because of a teenage driver texting or driving recklessly, call us. You will speak directly with a lawyer for a free consultation. There may be medical bills, lost time from work, and other issues. We will hold the texting driver accountable and make sure you are fully compensated for your injury. When you call our office, not only is the initial consultation free, but we also don’t charge any upfront fee. We are only paid a percentage of your settlement.

Our car accident lawyers have more than 25 years’ experience representing victims throughout Minnesota. Many texting cases result in head-on crashes. However, we also frequently see rear-end crashes when a driver was texting. Our attorneys have even handled a number of one-car crashes where the driver drives off the road, injuring the passenger.

We are experienced with many types of serious injuries. Our injury lawyers have handled cases where the crash results in brain injury, broken bones, ruptured organs, and many others. There can be several layers of insurance available to pay compensation for your case. There will be insurance from the other vehicle, your vehicle, and the other driver if they borrowed the other vehicle. Our lawyers will explain these issues to you, and make sure you get all the compensation you are entitled to.