Our personal injury lawyers spend a great deal of time reading through and studying our clients’ medical records. The medical records regarding a person’s injury, and prior health, are very important in proving your accident injury claim. Medical records show the treatment received, how it impacted you, and your physical restrictions. Also, your prognosis, the cost of your medical treatment, and any preexisting conditions.
Medical records are also important because they show the doctors’ opinions about the cause and seriousness of your accident injury. Those opinions can influence other doctors and, later, an insurance company or a jury.

It is for this reason that our attorneys always warn clients to be aware of what they say to the doctor or the doctor’s staff. You don’t know what the doctor or staff will write down. You think you are having a casual, friendly conversation with your doctor or nurse. However, they are likely going to include parts of the conversation in your medical chart notes.
One obvious thing to avoid in your conversation with the doctor’s office is any discussion about the money you are hoping to get from your case. But there are many, more subtle, things to be aware of as well. For example, it is very important to be completely honest with your doctor and the medical staff at all times.
Some people try to help their case by not telling the doctor about a pre-existing condition. For example, prior neck or back treatment when they have reinjured or worsened their symptoms in a new accident. This is always a bad idea, and it won’t help your case. First, it may interfere with getting a proper diagnosis and treatment. Second, the truth is always eventually discovered. Then, the doctor thinks the person is not truthful and they will not be supportive in the case.
Similarly, problems with doctors or medical staff can arise during treatment. These problems can make the doctor less supportive of your case. Three problems that come up most frequently. 1. When the client exaggerates or understates their symptoms. It is always important to just tell it like it is. 2. When the client doesn’t follow through with recommended treatment. 3. When the client doesn’t show up for scheduled appointments. If you do not show up for an appointment, the doctor’s office will lose the time they booked for you and make less money. In addition, other patients are delayed because they could have had your time slot.
If you have been injured in an accident. please call us and speak with a lawyer for a free consultation. Our experienced personal injury attorneys will help guide you through the legal process. Our lawyers do not direct our clients’ medical treatment or recommend specific doctors. However, we will guide you on questions to ask and things to consider, and we will encourage you to follow through with treatment and be completely honest with your doctors at all times.