The Minnesota State Patrol reported today that a dump truck slammed into a group of cars on Highway 55 in Rosemount. As a result, two people in the crash were killed. The crash undoubtedly closed the highway for several hours. This is the type of car our truck accident lawyers handle.
The report says the truck accident happened around 12:20 p.m. at the intersection with Doyle Path. A southbound semi had stopped to turn left, causing cars to line up behind it. The first car that stopped was a Subaru Legacy, the next was a pickup truck. The cars were motionless when a dump truck slammed into the back of the pickup, pushing it into the ditch. The truck then hit the Subaru, causing it to smash into the back of the semi. Unfortunately, this high speed collision killed two people.
The two people killed in the truck accident were both from South St. Paul. In addition, the drivers of the other vehicles suffered non-life-threatening injuries. They were brought to Regions Hospital for treatment. Alcohol is not believed to have been a factor in the crash. Most likely, the truck driver was distracted or fell asleep at the wheel.

When a truck, like a dump truck in this case, causes a rear end crash, the injuries are often severe and can sometimes be fatal. You need an experienced lawyers for a case like this. Because a truck is so big and heavy, the driver has an extra obligation to drive carefully on the roads and always pay attention. Even a momentary lapse can have tragic consequences.
Our car accident lawyers have handled cases like this throughout MN for more than 25 years. If you are injured or a family member is killed in an accident caused by a truck, please call us. We will explain your rights and make sure the truck driver and his company are held accountable. The initial consultation with a lawyer is free. Further, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation.