A recent incident where a car drove onto a restaurant patio left two people dead and three others injured. Surprisingly, our car accident lawyers have actually handled cases exactly like this before.

This recent incident was at the Park Tavern in St. Louis Park. It happened on a Sunday night at about 8:00 p.m. It was not even fully dark out yet. According to news reports, the driver entered the parking lot and was intending to park. However, the driver lost control of his car and drove onto the patio. Because the weather was so nice, there were many people on the patio at the time. Not surprisingly, several people were seriously injured. Unfortunately, two people were also killed by the car.
The Minnesota State Patrol came to the scene and the driver was arrested. A news report said that mangled furniture could be seen the next morning. Some of the victims, including one of the fatalities, were medical workers at nearby Methodist Hospital. A server was also killed.
It appears that the driver was intoxicated and has a history of drunk driving. Of course, drunk driving does not have to be involved with this type of accident. In one case handled by our lawyers, the driver was elderly and confused when he drove onto a restaurant patio. However, intoxication immediately comes to mind in these situations. The driver of the car is primarily responsible. However, our lawyers also look at whether adequate safety precautions were taken by the restaurant. If they are going to seat people on a patio near where cars are driving, they should be required to make it safe.
Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin are top Minnesota Car Accident Lawyers. In fact, we have successfully handled hundreds of cases over the last 25 years. We make sure you get all compensation you are entitled to. This starts with medical bills and reimbursement of lost wages. However, there is often much more for future needs and life disruption.
If you have been injured by a car, we can help. Our lawyers have handled all kinds of car cases. The initial consultation is free. First, we will answer your questions and explain your rights. Further, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation.