Car Accident Causes Miscarraige Case Lawyers


If you are in a car accident that causes you to miscarry, can you get compensation for the loss of the baby? The answer depends on the viability of the baby at the time of the crash. However, you still have a case either way if you miscarry. Our car accident lawyers represent women and families in this terrible situation.

Miscarraige from Car Accident - Lawyers MN
Miscarraige from Car Accident – Lawyers MN

Pam Rochlin is a woman lawyer with more than 25 years’ experience. She is also a mother. Many women prefer a woman lawyer in this situation who will relate to what they are going through. Pam has helped many women through injury cases in Minnesota. First, she understands the medical issues. In addition, she knows how to present your case to the insurance company or the jury. A miscarraige is devastating, and we know that. But a miscarraige because of a negligent driver is tragic.


If you were injured in a car accident, call us for a free consultation. A top car accident attorney will answer your questions and explain your rights.

Of course, anytime you are in a car accident while pregnant there is a risk. There is the risk of miscarraige, but also the risk of injury to the mother or baby. To start, there are medical bills. Even if you have health insurance, you should not have to pay the deductible or co-pay when it was the other driver’s fault.

You may be suprised to know that you can have an injury claim even if your spouse caused the car accident. If you were a passenger, you can puruse a claim against your driver even if they are related to you. That is something our lawyers will fully explain to your at our initial meeting.

You can meet a lawyer at our offices or we will come to your home. Our car accident lawyers also meet people over Zoom. We will make the legal part of the situation as easy for you as possible.