Child Injured In Accident Medical Bills – MN Lawyers



Medical Bills Child Accident Injury Lawyers MN
Medical Bills Child Accident Injury Lawyers MN

Our lawyers handle many cases where a child is injured in an accident. The first question is who pays the child’s medical bills? The answer depends on the type of accident. For example, if the child is injured in a car accident, their parents’ (No-Fault) auto insurance will pay the initial medical bills. However, with a dog bite injury, your health insurance must initially pay the medical bills. Then, later, the dog owner’s homeowners’ insurance will repay your health insurance. Medical bills from a child’s injury can add up quickly. Even when the initial bills are paid, you child may need future treatment.

Fortunately, health insurance will pay the child’s medical bills even if the accident was another person’s fault. However, this does not necessarily mean the other person isn’t responsible. The health insurance company, or Medical Assistance, will get repaid out of your child’s settlement. In addition, if a child’s parents pay a deductible or co-payments, the parents can be reimbursed out of any settlement.

Of course, an accident injury involves more than medical bills. Your child may be entitled to additional compensation for the injury and future needs. For example, we frequently pursue compensation for a child’s scars and pain.


If your child was injured in an accident, call us for a free consultation with a top rated lawyer. Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin have more than 25 years’ experience. We know you try hard to keep your child safe and healthy, which makes it frustrating when they are injured in an accident. Our attorneys have helped many children injured in an accident throughout Minnesota. When you call our office, a lawyer will discuss your case and answer your questions. We will make sure your child’s accident medical bills are handled properly. In addition, we will make sure future needs are provided for and your child receives all appropriate compensation.