Dog Bite Lawyers Minneapolis Dog Attack Attorney



Our dog bite lawyers represent people bitten or injured by a dog in Minneapolis MN. Minnesota Law holds a dog owner strictly liable for any injury caused by their dog. In fact, the only exception is where the victim provoked the dog or was trespassing. Our injury attorneys recover medical bills, lost wages, and compensation for future treatment including plastic surgery. In addition, there will be compensation for lasting scars because of a dog attack. A dog bite injury can be very serious for the person who was attacked. Here is a photo of a lady who was bitten in the nose by a dog.


A dark red background with a pattern of flowers.
Dog Bite Lawyers Minneapolis MN






This unfortunate woman was actually lucky that the dog did not injure her eye in the attack. Even so, she had to undergo facial reconstructive surgery because of the dog bite. Many of the Minneapolis cases our dog bite attorneys handle involve a dog that has never bitten someone before. Sadly, it is most often a child bit by a dog. Because children are often on the ground with the dog, the bite is often in the face.


The statute of limitations for a dog bite case is generally 6 years in Minnesota. However, for a child, the statute of limitations is extended until the child’s nineteenth birthday if the bite occurred more than six years earlier. A dog bite lawyer in our Minneapolis office recently represented an 18-year-old who was bitten when he was 3 years old. His nineteenth birthday was approaching, so we had to start the lawsuit immediately.

Of course, a dog does not have to bite someone to injure them. The law in Minnesota is that the dog owner is responsible if their dog bites or injures another person. Our top dog bite lawyers Minneapolis represent people who have been injured by a dog but were not bitten. For example, where a dog pushed our client down the stairs or knocked a client off of her bicycle. Our top dog injury attorney also had a case near Minneapolis where a dog caused a traffic accident. In that case, we successfully recovered against the dog owner because the owner should have had the dog on a leash or chained in the yard.


If you have been bitten or attacked by a dog in Minneapolis, call our office and speak with a dog bite lawyer as soon as possible. It is frequently important to investigate the incident, which the police may or may not do adequately. A dog bite attorney Minneapolis will provide you with a free initial consultation and will advise you of your rights. You can meet a dog bite lawyer at our Minneapolis office. One of our lawyers can also come to your house (or meet by Zoom) in Minneapolis to discuss your dog bite or dog injury case.

We have more than 25 years’ experience successfully getting compensation for many people injured by a dog or bitten. Pam Rochlin is a former partner at Meshbesher & Spence and will provide personal attention for your case. She was the 2015 president of the Minnesota Women Lawyers association. David Rochlin isa former chair of the Minnesota State Bar Association Solo Small Firm Section and has more than 25 years’ experience helping people resolve their legal disputes through negotiation and litigation.