Do you need to get a rabies shot after being bit by a dog? It really depends on whether the dog is current on its shots, or if the dog can be quarantined for the required period to rule out rabies. In most cases, the doctors will require rabies shots unless the information is obtained quickly. Our dog bite lawyers deal with this frequently.
Our attorneys have represented hundreds of people in Minnesota who have been bitten by a dog or attacked and injured. Most often, the main concern is the scars from the dog bite. However, we also have cases where a significant part of our client’s dog bite case come from the expensive rabies shots. This comes up when the dog owner can’t show proof that the dog was vaccinated. The doctors then don’t want to take a chance of further injury to the victim. Unfortunately, rabies shots are expensive and painful.
One of our dog bite lawyers recently obtained a settlement for a client who went through this. There was no proof that the dog who attacked our client had rabies shots, and the doctor did not want to take a chance. Our client had to receive a course of rabies shots (a series of 4 shots over two weeks). The first shots were actually 23 separate injections around each puncture bite. The purpose was to completely infuse the area of the bites. The shots were also given in both arms, both legs and his buttocks.
Although the doctor’s office gave our client Percocet for pain before starting the shots, they did not wait until the Percocet took effect. Not surprisingly, the shots were extremely painful. Our client said that the experience was much more painful than when he got a tattoo. The shots he received the subsequent days were just in his arm. They were still painful compared to a flu shot, but much less painful than his first treatment.
The total cost of this set of rabies shots was just under $12,000. In addition, our client missed two days of work because of the dog bite and treatment. Fortunately, the dog owner had homeowners insurance to cover the incident. Therefore, our dog bite lawyers were able to get our client full compensation. This included the medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering caused by the dog bite and shots. Fortunately, there was no permanent scarring from the dog attack in this case. However, our client was still entitled to get his medical bills reimbursed and other compensation.
If you have been bitten by a dog in MN and would like to discuss your legal rights, call us and speak with a lawyer for a free consultation.