Can a husband or wife can get a settlement or compensation for their spouse’s accident injury? In Minnesota, the answer is yes. Our personal injury lawyers often pusue those claims for our clients.

A husband and wife operate as a team. Each have certain things they contribute to the family. Unfortunately, when one spouse is injured in an accident, their contributions can be temporarily, or even permanently, interrupted. This puts a burden on the rest of the family. Usually, the other spouse must make up the difference.
Most families today have two earners. Therefore, there is a financial loss when a husband or wife can’t work after being injured in an accident. Our lawyers immediately start working on recovering the lost income.
But other contributions by a husband or wife are also important. For example, one of them may usually be responsible for mowing the lawn while the other entertains the children. One cooks and the other cleans. One does home repair and the other goes grocery shopping, etc. If a wife or husband is injured and unable to perform their usual duties, the other one has to do twice as much work or find other help. This creates a loss to the family, including the non-injured husband or wife.
This type of compensation to the non-injured spouse is called ‘loss of consortium.’ It is in addition to compensation for the injured spouse. Many people think of loss of consortium as just being sexual relations. Loss or interruption of sexual relations is part of a loss of consortium claim. However, there is also much more. The liability insurance of the person who caused the accident will cover this type of claim.
Our lawyers help families recover full compensation when a family member is injured in a car or motorcycle accident, from a defective product, slip fall, dog bite, and many other unfortunate situations. When you call our office to discuss your case, we will explain your rights, including the right of a husband or wife to recover compensation. When a spouse has been injured by someone else’s negligence, the other spouse definitely has a claim. Our attorneys handle cases in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and throughout Minnesota. The initial consultation is free. Further, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation.