Yes, it’s frustrating. Our motorcycle accident lawyers have already been getting injury calls. It’s understandable that when it starts to warm up, riders want to get back on the road. After all, many have been waiting all winter. The problem is that people in cars are often not watching the road. Car drivers get distracted, or they are just not paying attention. A motorcycle can always be hit by a car.

Of course, knowing this, out attorneys would offer some advice to motorcyclists. Most obviously, wear a helmet and protective gear. Most of our motorcycle fatality cases involve riders not wearing a helmet. The law in Minnesota does not require helmet use, but it is highly recommended. In addition, it is required for anyone under the age of 18 on a motorcycle.
Other important advice is to get adequate motorcycle insurance. Just like you can’t trust cars on the road to watch for you, you also don’t know how much insurance they will have – if they have any. Therefore, it is important for the motorcycle rider to have their own insurance. First, you can get medical coverage. However, it is an option you have to ask for. Our motorcycle accident clients are always grateful when they have medical coverage for their motorcycle.
You can also choose the amount of uninsured and underinsured coverage you have for your motorcycle. Many motorcycle accidents result in serious injury. In most cases, our lawyers can’t get you more than the available insurance. In other words, if the car that hits you doesn’t have enough insurance, you have to rely on your own motorcycle underinsured coverage. This becomes especially important if you will be out of work for an extended time or if you need future treatment.
Our motorcycle accident lawyers have more than 25 years’ experience. We have represented hundreds of people injured throughout Minnesota. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, call us. The initial consultation if free. To start, we will answer your questions and explain your right. Further, we never charge anything if you do not receive compensation.