Will Dog Bite Scar Heal – Lawyers

TAKING CARE OF DOG BITE WOUND Our lawyers handle many dog bite cases every year. Many cases involve serious wounds and permanent scars. One question that always comes up is what is the prognosis? In other words, how much will the scar heal? Of course, we are not doctors. However, we have seen hundreds of dog bite cases over the […]

Car Accident Lawyers MN Wife Injured

WHEN HUSBAND DRIVING CAUSES ACCIDENT INJURING WIFE Can you sue your spouse for a car accident? Is there insurance if your husband or wife is responsible for the crash? The answer to these questions is yes. Our car accident lawyers have handled many Minnesota cases like this. To start with, you are always entitled to No-Fault benefits after a car […]

How to Sue For Car Accident Out of State

CAR ACCIDENT OUT OF STATE What happens if you are in a car accident out-of-state? Our lawyers get asked this question frequently. If you are injured in a car accident out of state, the insurance and legal issues can be complicated. In general, the laws of the state you were in will apply to your case. However, if your car […]

Icy Road Car Accident Lawyer

DRIVING ON SLIPPERY ROADS WITH BIG STORM COMING The weather service is predicting up to 24 inches of snow within the next two days. Minnesota has not seen that much snow at one time in many years. In fact, the traffic warning is that the roads will be impassable. In other words, people shouldn’t be driving at all. Unfortunately, some […]

Bike Accident Lawyers – Tuneup

A GOOD TIME TO GET YOUR BIKE TUNED UP The worst of winter looks to be behind us. Yes, there will still be more snow. But we should be done with sub-zero temperatures. In other words, Spring is around the corner. Our lawyers handle many bicycle accident cases every year. In most cases, the biker cannot avoid the accident. For […]

Injury Lawyers – How To Talk To Doctor

HOW TO TALK TO DOCTORS FOR BEST RESULTS Our lawyers exclusively handle injury cases. Of course, that means many of our clients have regular interaction with doctors and other providers. Doctors make notes ‘chart notes’ of every patient appointment. When we work to prove your case, the doctors’ notes and opinions are often crucial. People sometimes think that our lawyers […]

Car Accident Ambulance Bill

PAYING AMBULANCE BILL AFTER CAR ACCIDENT  If you are injured in a car accident, an ambulance comes. The ambulance is staffed with trained first responders and advanced equipment. Our car accident lawyers often represent people who were in an ambulance after a crash. In many cases, the ambulance is literally a life saver. However, ambulance service was not always sophisticated […]

Snowmobile Accident Lawyers Insurance

SNOWMOBILE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Our snowmobile accident lawyers will be a bit busier this year. There is plenty of snow, and the temperatures are mostly moderate. The last few seasons have been pretty sparse for snowmobilers, so this is welcome news. If you are going to live through Minnesota winters, you should try to enjoy some of the activities. Snowmobiling is […]