Last Monday afternoon, a construction zone worker was injured while doing what she was supposed to do at work – flag traffic through a construction zone. This is according to Minnesota Public Radio. The incident happened in East Bethel, in the north metro. The road worker was about to let a vehicle she had stopped drive through, when suddenly another car came speeding toward her. At the last second, the driver swerved around the stopped car and drove straight into the construction zone worker. Not surprisingly, the road worker was seriously injured. Our lawyers represent road workers hit by a car.
“From what I understand, it didn’t sound like there were any brakes screeching or anything,” said her fiance. “She didn’t have any time to react.” The road construction worker was airlifted to Hennepin County Medical Center, where her fiance has stood vigil at her side ever since. “I just want to be here, I don’t want her to wake up and not have anyone,” he said, his voice cracking. “I don’t want her to have anyone she doesn’t recognize when she wakes up.”

This accident is just the latest in a disturbing trend. Every year there are injury accidents to road workers. Between 2011 and 2015 there were more than 86,000 crashes in Minnesota where distracted driving was a factor. “It’s a big concern,” said State Patrol Lt. Robert Zak. “Distracted driving is becoming more and more common. It’s the leading factor in crashes in the state of Minnesota.” Drivers are distracted during one in every four crashes in the state. In 2015 alone it contributed to more than 7,600 injuries and 74 deaths.
It’s against state law to text or read emails while driving. Cell phone use is completely banned for school bus drivers and teens during their permit and provisional license stages. Still, the injured road worker’s fiance believes more needs to be done to stop distracted driving. This is especially needed in highway construction zones. “The main thing I want to say is, just put down the cellphone, if not for yourself, for somebody else you know,” he said.
The Anoka County Sheriff’s Office is still investigating. The county attorney’s office will then decide whether to press charges.
At the Rochlin Law Firm, our attorneys represent construction zone workers who were hit by a car and seriously injured. A highway construction worker is especially vulnerable when on the road with cars passing nearby. There are many laws in place to protect road workers in a construction zone. Unfortunately, a distracted or overly aggressive driver can still get through and cause serious injury or even kill them. These are tragic cases affecting the whole family of the highway or road construction worker. Workers compensation provides some benefits, but that is never enough to fully compensate the injured person and their family.
If you or a family member are a road construction worker hit by a car in Minnesota, please call as and speak with a lawyer. The initial consultation is free. When you call our office, an attorney will explain your rights and make sure you get all of the compensation you are entitled to.