We recently received a call from a former client who had co-signed a loan for a friend to buy an ATV. Unfortunately, when he co-signed for the loan, his name ended up on the title. His friend was driving the ATV and killed someone in an accident. This former client now has a serious problem. Our lawyers represent people injured or killed in an ATV accident.
The owner of the ATV has some legal responsibility for this tragic situation, even though he was not the one driving. MN law requires that every motor vehicle owner (anyone on the title) be responsible for injury caused by anyone driving with the owner’s permission. This includes an ATV accident.

If you own an ATV in Minnesota, just like a car, you are responsible for any damage or injury caused by the ATV. The owner of the ATV is responsible even if he was not driving. There are only a few exceptions to owner liability. For example, if the vehicle was stolen or you can prove you had sold it. Our advice: Make sure ALL your vehicles are insured, including ATVs driven off of your property, snowmobiles, etc. Also, of course, don’t put your name on the title of someone else’s vehicle unless you keep it insured.
Our lawyers represent people injured in an ATV accident to get them compensation when the injury was not their fault. However, we prefer not to have to take people’s personal money. The vehicle/ATV owner should have insurance to pay for injuries and damages they may accidentally cause. Insurance for your ATV could come from your homeowners insurance, auto insurance or your umbrella insurance. If you own an ATV or other recreational vehicles, talk with your insurance agent to make sure you are fully covered.
If you or a family member are injured in an ATV accident in MN, call us to speak with one of our experienced attorneys. The initial consultation is free. A lawyer will answer your questions and make sure your rights are protected. You need to be fully compensated for your injuries. Our first priority is your immediate medical bills and lost wages. However, we also make sure you are compensated for future needs and pain and suffering. In addition to a free consultation, we never charge anything up front. We are only paid when your case settles and you are compensated for your injuries.