It is not even summer yet, but our lawyers have already taken several cases of people injured in a bicycle accident in Minnesota. Most of the cases involve a bike rider being hit by a car. We even have a case of a pedestrian hit by a bicycle. In either situation, the injuries can be serious and even life changing. Bicycle riding has become more popular the last few years and there are many more bikes on the road. As a result, there is much more opportunity for an accident.

Most of the bike accident cases our attorneys handle involve a car hitting a bicycle on the road. This often results in a serious injury. Usually, the driver of the car is distracted by their phone or something else in the car. But we have also had cases where the driver was momentarily blinded by the sun. Another common cause is when the driver was only looking to the right before making a left turn. Then they don’t see the approaching bike on their left and pull out into them.
A bike rider is usually going the same direction as traffic, so a car may hit them from behind or knock the bike over by sideswiping it. The most common injury cases our lawyers see is when a car makes a turn and hits a bike in the intersection.
Drivers: Please watch for bicycles when you are driving your car (or opening your car door). Bicyclists: stay to the right whenever possible. Also, WEAR A HELMET.
If you are a bicycle rider hit by a car in Minnesota and you are concerned about medical bills, lost wages, etc., call us for a free consultation with a lawyer. The insurance issues can be complicated. An experienced attorney from our office will answer your questions and make sure your rights are protected. Our lawyers handle cases throughout Minnesota.