Here are some sobering statistics from the National Safety Council: Because of COVID-19, the number of miles driven in 2020 decreased 13.2% compared to 2019. However, the number of car crash fatalities did not go down. Our car accident lawyers have noticed this as well.
The number of miles driven in April 2021 increased 54.6% compared to April 2020. This is not surprising, as the country opened back up. However, miles driven were still down 7.4% from 2019 (pre-pandemic normal). Nationwide, auto accident deaths for the first four months of 2021 are estimated to be 13,320. This preliminary estimate is up 20% compared to 2020 and up 16% compared to 2019. Motor-vehicle deaths in April 2021 totaled 3,760; this preliminary estimate is up 49% from April 2020 and up 16% compared to April 2019. April 2021 is the 10th month out of the last 11 showing year-over-year increases compared to the prior year.
These statistics bear out in Minnesota as well. The number of people killed in a car accident in MN has increased sharply in 2021. The MN Department of Public Safety has several reasons for this. First, people are speeding more than ever since the Covid pandemic. Most of these fatal crashes were preventable. Someone who has died in a car accident leaves behind a grieving family and friends, whose lives are changed forever. There is just no excuse for driving at such high speed to cause a fatal crash.
If you have lost a loved one in a car crash, call us for a free consultation. Our car accident lawyers have more than 25 years’ experience making sure surviving family members get appropriate compensation. We will obtain police and Highway Patrol records, and send out our own investigator if necessary. Our lawyers make sure all medical bills are paid, and that your family is provided for to the greatest extent possible. We have offices to meet in Minneapolis, Woodbury and Edina. Our lawyers also make house calls throughout Minnesota.