Our car accident lawyers make sure that people injured in a crash get the compensation they are entitled to. We focus on medical bills, lost wages, future care, pain and suffering, and more. Of course, our Minnesota attorneys also provide other comfort and advice to our car accident clients.
We recently became aware of a helpful organization for people affected by a car accident in Minnesota. The information below is from the Homepage of their website. Their website URL is If you or a family member were injured in an auto accident because of a drunk driver or a driver distracted by a cellphone, etc. check out this organization. You can work with them to help make a change. In addition, they will also provide support for the criminal aspects of your case.
Minnesotans for Safe Driving (MSD) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Its Prime Objections are as follows:
Victim Services
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help victims of traffic crashes involving unsafe driving behavior.
Advocates also attend court proceedings at a victim’s request. In fact, they will assist victims step by step during court proceedings.
Education and Public Awareness
They strive as an organization to change behaviors through education.
- Speakers for presentations at any interested organization or school.
- Death Notification/ sensitivity training free of charge to law enforcement and medical personnel.
- Materials and assistance in their new project Employee Workplace Reintegration after Loss.
- Victim Impact Panels to educate the offenders and the public about the consequences of their behavior. Importantly, panelists are victims, offenders, law enforcement and medical personnel. Therefore, the speakers can make clear to the offenders the outcome of such irresponsible behavior.
- Additionally, they have impactful DVD’s of victims and offenders talking about the crash that changed their lives.
Court Watch
Also important, they monitor court cases relating to public safety on Minnesota roadways. In general, the courts apply appropriate justice. However, it is important that the courts know people are interested and watching.
They work to change and improve laws to make our roads safer.
Educating the Public to Drive Safely and Reduce Car Crashes
Minnesotans For Safe Driving wants to change the mindset in Minnesota regarding non-alcohol related crashes. For example, car accidents caused by speeding, aggressive driving, and distracted driving. First, these crashes should not be referred to as ‘ACCIDENTS.’ The truth is, they are ‘CRASHES.’ Most car crashes are caused by failure to obey the traffic laws and follow due care when driving; not an unforeseen event which is the definition of an accident.
Minnesota has come a long way on reducing the incidence of drunk driving. However, the battle is not over until we have reached zero deaths. With the help of technology, advocacy groups, the government and the public this goal CAN happen.