Motorcycle Accident Injury Reduced By Wearing Helmet

  MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT BRAIN INJURY PREVENTED WITH HELMET A recent study shows that states with mandatory helmet laws have fewer people with motorcycle accident brain injury cases. The conclusion of the article, of course, is that wearing a helmet while riding protects against a brain injury from a motorcycle accident. Here is a link to the article. This is […]

Car Accident Wage Loss Benefits To Increase

  LOST INCOME AUTO INSURANCE COVERAGE TO INCREASE If you miss work because you were injured in a car accident, your No-Fault auto insurance will pay a portion of your lost wages. The law provides for lost salary, wages, tips, commissions, and other types of earnings. However, until recently, that amount was limited to a maximum of $250 per week. […]


  DON’T SIGN LIABILITY WAIVERS Back to school means forms for parents to sign. When the forms are for school activities or field trips, churches, clubs, etc., they often include a release of liability or waiver. Our Minnesota accident injury lawyers suggest you ALWAYS cross out the language on the forms that releases liability for injury to your child. Most […]

No Fault Insurance PIP Stacking

  WHAT IS PIP STACKING IN A MN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE POLICY? Our attorneys recently worked on a case where a client in a car accident needed neck surgery. Unfortunately, she did not have health insurance to pay her medical bills. She came to us to get her medical bills paid, and was also wondering if she could get reimbursed for […]

Drowsy Truck Drivers Cause Accidents

  TRUCK DRIVER FELL ASLEEP AT WHEEL CAUSES CRASH INJURY There have been several news articles recently about truck drivers driving when drowsy or tired. A tragic example is the recent crash of a Wal-Mart truck into a car that actor/comedian Tracy Morgan was riding in. Here is a link to a drowsy driving prevention website. This site explains that […]

Motorcycle Accident Helmet Safety Information

  MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT INJURY REDUCED WITH HELMET USE Our lawyers represent people injured in a motorcycle accident in Minnesota. In most cases, it’s after a motorcycle is hit by a car. A publication from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) provides some helpful information regarding motorcycle accident injury and prevention. Here are some of the highlights: First, preventing serious injuries […]