Minnesota Conciliation Court Claim Limits to Increase

  SMALL CLAIMS COURT IN MN NOT SO SMALL – CAR CRASH VEHICLE DAMAGE Minnesota’s Conciliation Court has increased the maximum claim amount to $15,000. That is good news for consumers. Conciliation court has two important advantages to regular court. First, you don’t need to hire an attorney for conciliation court. In fact, lawyers are discouraged. Second, you get a […]

Dog Injured In MN Car Accident

  DOG INJURED IN CAR ACCIDENT Calling all Dog Lovers! Usually, our attorneys represent people injured in a car crash. But sometimes your pet can be hurt in the accident as well. One of our lawyer colleagues is handling a case that highlights the frustrations and difficulties when your pet is injured in an accident. The client’s beloved dog was […]

Pam Rochlin Named President of Minnesota Women Lawyers

  PAM ROCHLIN ELECTED 2014 – 2015 PRESIDENT OF MN WOMEN LAWYERS Congratulations to Pam Rochlin on being elected President of Minnesota Women Lawyers. Pam has been an active member of Minnesota Women Lawyers for many years, serving on the board and in officer positions. This is a well-deserved recognition, and we are confident Pam’s leadership will help MWL achieve […]

Swimming Pool Accidents and Injuries in MN

  SWIMMING POOL INJURY FROM CHEMICALS CAN BE PREVENTED Swimming and other water activities are fun and excellent ways to get exercise. Americans swim hundreds of millions of times in pools, oceans, lakes, rivers, and hot tubs/spas each year. Most people have a safe and healthy time enjoying the water. However, our experienced lawyers have represented many people injured in […]

Motorcycle Accident Insurance Lawyer MN

GET MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT MEDICAL INSURANCE BEFORE YOU RIDE IN MINNESOTA The grey skies are going to have to clear up eventually. When the weather does finally turn, we know our motorcycle loving friends will be putting on a happy face.(We’re referencing a song from an old movie.) Everyone is looking forward to getting back on their bikes. Here is a […]

Passenger On Motorcycle in Accident In MN Has Rights

  PASSENGER INJURED IN MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT- COMPENSATION Motorcycles are fun and a great way to get around. Unfortunately, they can also result in serious injuries if the biker is not careful or, more often, when another car on the road fails to see the bike. Our Minnesota personal injury lawyers represent motorcycle passengers injured in an accident because of an […]

Postal Carriers Injured While Working

  MAIL CARRIERS ARE EXPOSED TO MANY HAZARDS Our lawyers recently settled a case for a Minnesota Post Office mail carrier who was injured while walking up the steps of a house. A step gave way, so the carrier fell through and injured his leg. These were cement steps. They looked a little crumbly, like you could possibly trip on […]

No Insurance, No License, No Problem

  CAR CRASH WITH NO AUTO INSURANCE, REVOKED DRIVERS LICENSE One of our lawyers recently met with a new client in Albert Lea MN. She is a schoolteacher who was on her way to work when another car took a curve too fast on an icy day. The other driver lost control of his car and crashed into her. Now […]

Brain Injury Awareness Month MN

    MN RESOURCES FOR TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY – BRAIN INJURY AWARENESS MONTH MINNESOTA Often, the saddest and most tragic accident cases involve traumatic brain injury (TBI). Our MN personal injury lawyers handle brain injury and concussion accident cases every year. That is why it caught our attention when we heard March is Minnesota Brain Injury Awareness Month. Being aware […]

Can The Person Who Injured Me Declare Bankruptcy?

  What Happens If The Person Who Injured Me Files Bankruptcy? Our lawyers have had several cases where the business we are suing files for bankruptcy. What happens to the case? When a person or business declares bankruptcy, all pending claims and lawsuits against them are automatically stopped. However, in an accident injury case, if the person or business being […]