More Teenage Passengers are Buckling Up and Surviving Car Crashes

  TEENAGE PASSENGER SEAT-BELT USE INCREASES The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and State Farm recently released a report on teen driver safety. The report shows positive trends among teen passengers in car crashes. This is good news. Our car accident attorneys see too many tragic cases involving teenage drivers and passengers in their cars. Recently, only half of teen passengers […]

Whiplash Neck Pain From a Car Accident.

  NECK PAIN WHIPLASH AFTER CAR ACCIDENT – MN LAWYER After a car accident, many of our clients have injuries to their neck and back. This is often described as a ‘whiplash’ injury. Whiplash is a term that is used to describe an injury to the neck when the head is flung forward, then back. This is common in a […]

Rear End Accident – Minnesota Attorney

    REAR ENDED BY CAR OR TRUCK – MN LAWYER The most common Minnesota car accident cases are rear end collisions. People are often rear-ended on the highway when traffic starts to back up or slow down. Usually, the car behind isn’t paying attention or is just not keeping a safe stopping distance. Of course, another frequent cause of […]