Speeding Car Crash Fatality – MN Attorneys



The Minnesota Star Tribune recently released an article pointing out that fatal car accident cases have increased on MN roads. This is despite decreased traffic from the Coronavirus stay-at-home order. Our car accident lawyers have noticed this as well.

The article notes the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported 24 recent fatal crashes. This compares to an average of 14 for the same time period the prior three years. Half of the recent car accident death cases were caused by speeding or careless driving. However, the article did note some good news: drunk driving arrests were down about 60% from a similar period in prior years. Most likely because the bars are closed for Covid.

Killled in Car Crash By Speeding Car
Killled in Car Crash By Speeding Car


There are several risks when a car is speeding. The obvious risk from a speeding car is that anything that goes wrong will have an amplified consequence. For example, If the driver takes his eyes off the road for a moment – to answer a phone call or adjust the radio. He will travel much further in that brief time, so there is more opportunity to cause a serious accident. There is also less time to react. If traffic ahead of a speeding vehicle suddenly slows or stops, the speeder is more likely to cause a rear end collision.

Our car accident lawyers represent people injured because the other car was speeding. Drivers need to know that even with less traffic on the road, speeding is still dangerous and can be fatal. Stay safe out there. If your family member was killed in a car accident, call us for a free consultation. Our lawyers have more than 25 years’ experience representing car accident victims throughout Minnesota. We will deal with the legal issues and paperwork for you. Our primary purpose is to make sure you get all the compensation you are entitled to.