Don’t Discuss Your Accident On Facebook

  IS IT OK TO POST ABOUT MY ACCIDENT ON FACEBOOK OR SOCIAL MEDIA? Our personal injury lawyers are often asked if it’s OK to discuss your accident case on Facebook or other social media. The answer, at least for a Minnesota accident, is no. Our attorneys warn clients to stay off social media during their case. The insurance company […]

Truck Accident Driving Too Fast For Conditions

    SEMI TRUCK DRIVER CRASHED BECAUSE DRIVING TOO FAST FOR ROAD CONDITIONS WCCO recently reported a truck accident that could have resulted in serious injuries. The accident occurred on Westbound Interstate 94 in Brooklyn Center. The highway had to be shut down Thursday afternoon after a crash involving the semi-truck driving too fast on the highway. Our truck accident […]

Flu Shots and Liability Waivers

  DON’T SIGN LIABILITY WAIVERS, SERIOUSLY Our family usually gets our flu shots at a Target store quick clinic. This year, when we were filling out the electronic forms, we noticed something new. There was a liability waiver for Target and the clinic for anything that could go wrong with the flu shot. They wanted us to sign it for […]

Preventing Teen Driver Car Accident

  TEENAGE DRIVER CAR ACCIDENT – PREVENTION A recent Yahoo Parenting article discussed the dangers of drugs, drinking, bullying, and crime among teenagers. However, the No. 1 cause of death for teens is motor-vehicle crashes. Yes, the reality is that more than 2,600 young adults aged 15 to 19 years old were involved in a fatal car accident in one […]

Killed in Car Accident Insurance Survivors Benefits

  CAR INSURANCE SURVIVORS’ BENEFITS WHEN FAMILY MEMBER KILLED IN MN AUTO ACCIDENT The safety features in cars are constantly improving. Nonetheless, we sadly continue to get cases every year where people are killed in a car accident. When our attorneys first meet with the family in this tragic situation, we explain the insurance issues. The family is often surprised […]

Little Or No Insurance For Intentional Acts

  AUTO INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR ROAD RAGE Everyone knows that auto insurance covers accidents. But did you know that auto insurance in Minnesota only covers accidents? In other words, insurance usually won’t cover an intentional act. One of our auto accident lawyers had a call today from someone who experienced a road rage incident. The other driver was angry and […]

How Long Does Child Have To Sue – MN Lawyer

  WHAT IS THE MINNESOTA STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR A CHILD? Our personal injury attorneys are frequently asked how long does a child have to sue if they are injured in an accident. Also, is the statute of limitations for a child different than an adult? For adults in general, with most injury cases, the statute of limitations in Minnesota […]