Car Accident Help Organization MN

  ORGANIZATION HELPS CAR ACCIDENT VICTIMS Our car accident lawyers make sure that people injured in a crash get the compensation they are entitled to. We focus on medical bills, lost wages, future care, pain and suffering, and more. Of course, our Minnesota attorneys also provide other comfort and advice to our car accident clients. We recently became aware of […]

Penalty Cell Phone Use Car Accident Lawyers MN

  INCREASED PENALTY FOR CAR ACCIDENT DRIVER USING CELL PHONE KSTP recently reported they may have had an impact in changing a law. Specifically, the penalty for causing a car accident while using a cell phone in Minnesota. Our car accident lawyers handle cases like this every day. In November, a KSTP investigation found instances of deadly car crashes involving […]

St. Paul Car Accident Lawyers

TEEN CROSSING STREET HIT BY CAR IN ST. PAUL A 14-year-old boy was hit by a car while walking in St. Paul Sunday evening. Although he was not killed, the boy is now in critical condition. Our St. Paul car accident lawyers handle cases like this every day. A St. Paul police spokesman said the collision occurred about 7:21 p.m. […]

Car Crash Injury Icy Road – MN Lawyers

    CAR ACCIDENT ON ICY ROADS IN MINNESOTA Minnesota state troopers were kept extra busy late Friday and early Saturday, the Star Tribune reported. Troopers responded to more than 260 crashes on icy and snowy roads across the state in a 24-hour period. People were injured in 33 of those crashes, a State Patrol spokeswoman said via e-mail. Our […]