Drunk Driver Hits Child In The Street

  CHILD HIT IN STREET BY DRUNK DRIVER A drunk driver was arrested after his car hit a 5-year-old child in Olmsted County Minnesota, KTTC-TV reported today. Unfortunately, this is a scenario that happens too often in Minnesota. Our car accident lawyers represent people injured by a drunk driver. The boy was in a wagon near the edge of the […]

Car Crash Not Accident

  CAR CRASH IS NOT ACCIDENT Most car “accidents” aren’t really accidental at all. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) research this year found 94 percent of all motor vehicle crashes are the result of human behavior. In other words, they could have been prevented. This is something that our attorneys are well aware of. In a recent Northland News […]

Memorial Day Weekend Accident – Lawyer

  ENJOY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, STAY SAFE AND AVOID ACCIDENTS Memorial Day weekend marks the start of summer for many of us, and is a fun celebration tradition for many families. People may be firing up the grill for the first time of the year. In our own family, we usually go fishing for the first time of the year. […]

Car Ran Over Pedestrian – No Prosecution

  PEDESTRIAN HIT BY CAR IN INTERSECTION – MN POLICE DON’T PROSECUTE The Minneapolis Star Tribune ran an important story yesterday. It was about the lack of criminal penalties when a car runs over someone in an intersection. Sadly, even if the pedestrian is killed in the intersection, the driver is often not even given a traffic ticket. (Unless they […]

Injured In Water Tube Accident

  WATER-TUBING ACCIDENTS ON MINNESOTA LAKES Summer is finally here, and many Minnesotans are headed to the lakes. We want to enjoy our few months of beautiful weather and great boating and fishing activities. Unfortunately, every year there are injuries on MN lakes from waterski accidents, boat accidents, jet ski accidents and tubing accidents. What’s more, most of these accidents […]

Semi Truck Hit Car In Late Night Crash

  SEMI TRUCK HIT CAR – ACCIDENT REPORTED The Minnesota State Patrol reported today that one person was hurt after a two-vehicle (truck car) crash. The accident happened early Monday morning in Freeborn County, at the intersection of Highway 65 and 160th Avenue. A northbound semi collided with the westbound car. The driver of the car was injured, but not […]

Drunk Driver Can Injure Passengers

  PASSENGER INJURED OR KILLED IN DRUNK DRIVER CAR ACCIDENT Valley News reported that a man from Robbinsdale, Minnesota was killed on Saturday after he rolled his car. The Cass County Sheriff received a report of a crash on County Road 5 around 8:00 p.m. Responders and Deputies arrived to find a 2006 Subaru that left the road and rolled. […]

Is It Worth Pursuing My Injury Case?

  DO I HAVE AN ACCIDENT INJURY CASE THAT IS WORTH IT? When someone is injured in an accident, their friends may suggest they talk to a lawyer. However, many people are hesitant to talk to a lawyer or pursue compensation for an accident injury, They wonder if it is even worth it? The answer is that it depends on […]

Car Crash Crossing the Median Fatal Injury

  CAR CROSSED THE MEDIAN CAUSING FATAL CRASH The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported a car crash on Eastbound Interstate 94 yesterday. According to the article, a woman was traveling west on I-94 in a Chevy Blazer when her car crossed the median. She then struck a Volvo station wagon heading east on I-94. The Volvo was pushed into the side […]

Physical Therapy After Injured In Accident

  Benefits of Physical Therapy For Accident Injury People injured in an accident (our clients) have a variety of treatment options available to help them. One excellent form of treatment is physical therapy. Physical therapists are health care professionals frequently recommended by doctors. Treatment with a physical therapist can improve mobility and relieve pain. Another advantage to physical therapy, of […]